What’s happening at Advanced Neuro Education in 2023?
Dec 31, 2022
Happy new year from Advanced Neuro Education!
2022 was an exciting year as we launched Advanced Neuro Education to the world with some courses, webinars, blogs and podcasts. Topics ranged from stroke recovery, vestibular assessment and rehabilitation, concussion discussions, motor control musings and the 10 movement training principles. We have so much more to come.
Our first 2 online courses were released and have proven very popular for the busy clinician.
Assessing dizziness in general practice.
Provided to GPs and Physios who need to assess people with dizziness quickly and efficiently based on the latest evidence, with clinical tips based on 25 years clinical experience.
Positional Vertigo - a comprehensive guide to treatment.
Provided for those treating ALL types of Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo, with skills in differential diagnosis of other forms of positional vertigo to ensure your care and support is comprehensive.
Plans for 2023 are well underway with some face to face courses (get in quick) for both the
2-day Accredited Vestibular course and
2-day Balance & Motor Control course
and some new online courses including….
Concussion – a comprehensive guide to management for health professionals
Provided to those interested in the very latest in multidimensional concussion assessment, care & rehabilitation. We are excited to provide this course for the new ‘Your Brain Health’ network.
Motor Control - concepts for training
Provided to all those interested in movement coaching, skill acquisition and applying neuroplasticity & training principles in the context of your clinical practice.
Comprehensive Physical Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis
Provided to those interested in the latest in movement rehabilitation, exercise prescription and brain health for people with Multiple Sclerosis.
We also have some short courses & masterclasses coming up on
- Migraine
- Spasticity
- Functional Neuroanatomy
- Concussion
Oh, and don't forget some new short podcasts on
- Return to learn following Concussion
- Solving fatigue mysteries in Multiple Sclerosis
- Directional bias & pain
- Movement habits & attractor states
- Error-based learning vs complete mistakes
- And many more...
We offer affordable and free content for working clinicians, because we understand you are busier than ever! Whether it's online or face to face, we look forward to building a supportive & educational community of practice in 2023 and beyond.
See you soon.
Dr James McLoughlin
Lead Educator, ANE
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