
Types of motor learning to consider...

Sep 09, 2024

There continues to be growing interest in 'motor control' or 'neuromuscular control' exercises to help with skill acquisition and performance.

Within the Balance & Motor Control Course (next course November 2nd & 3rd in Perth) we discuss how the 10 Movement Training Principles can be used to inform our treatments to improve balance.

There has certainly has been recent interest in the 'Practice & Variability' principle - with research around dose & intensity, and the 'Physical Capacity' principle - with excitement around neuroprotection, neuroplasticity and overall health. We cover these areas with great interest.

However, we also deep dive into types of learning such as 'Error-based', 'Reward Based' and 'Cognitive Selection & Planning' and why and when we might utilise these learning types in our rehabilitation and training programs. This short video gives a glimpse into what we explore during the course!

Hope to see you there,


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